If you click on the picture below, it will take you directly to the on-line scheduler. Select Calvin Smith Elementary and click "Go." Enter the school password "skyhawks." Enter your child's student ID number, but if you do not know your child's number, you may search for him/her by using the "Look Up Student Id" button. You will need to verify your child's birth date and select the teacher you would like to meet with. If you have any questions, please let me know.
This year the district has purchased an on-line scheduler program to streamline SEP conference sign-ups. A note was sent home today in the white Thursday envelope explaining the process. Every parent will need to go on-line and sign up for a time slot. I will be conferencing on Thursday, February 21st. You may begin signing up on February 1st. If there is some reason that you are unable to get signed up on-line, please talk with me. I would be more than happy to assist you in getting signed up.
If you click on the picture below, it will take you directly to the on-line scheduler. Select Calvin Smith Elementary and click "Go." Enter the school password "skyhawks." Enter your child's student ID number, but if you do not know your child's number, you may search for him/her by using the "Look Up Student Id" button. You will need to verify your child's birth date and select the teacher you would like to meet with. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Report cards went home on Thursday this week. If your child received 3's, 4's, or 5's, this means that he/she is on grade level or above. If you saw any 2's or 1's, I will need to talk with you in more detail about your child's progress. Parent/teacher conferences will be held February 21st. I will be meeting with all of you then. If you would like to set up a time before then, please let me know. I would be more than willing to meet with you after school any day.
This week I will be sending home a yellow sheet of paper in the homework folder that talks about the Go Math on-line access granted to parents and students. I am excited to have you all try it out! Have fun with it and let me know what you think! Mrs. Mills My Master's project is in full swing. Thank you to all those who filled out the yellow survey! The information is very valuable in making this website a useful tool for you. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be working on implementing your suggestions into the website. I am especially excited about the Go Math link. I will let you know more about how to access it in a couple of weeks, but it has some great games that can be played on-line that will reinforce math concepts taught in class. I think the kids will love it!
Also, check out the Youtube page. I uploaded some of the videos that we have been watching in class and the kids love them. Subtraction Pirate is the class favorite! We have just wrapped up another quarter. I can't believe that we are half way through the school year. It is going by so fast! Keep an eye out for report cards this week. Please keep the report card for your records and sign and return the manila envelope. |
Mrs. Jensen & Mrs. MillsWe are a 1st grade teaching team at Crestview Elementary. Categories |