Registration day at Rosecrest will be Thursday, July 28th from 1:00 to 6:00. For parents of kindergarten students, you will be able to schedule your child for a testing appointment that day. Kindergarten testing will begin on Wednesday, August 17th and will continue until August 23rd. Even though the other students begin school on the 17th, kindergarten will not begin until August 24th. The testing appointments will be 30 minutes each. I have posted a link to the Online Scheduler website below. The password is "rosecrest."
We will be having a picnic at Tanner Park for kindergarten students on Tuesday, August 23rd from 12:00 to 1:30. This is an opportunity for your child to meet kids from his/her class. Bring a lunch and maybe a picnic blanket. I hope to see you all there!
I look forward to meeting you all and look forward to a fantastic year!
Mrs. Mills