Welcome to Mrs. Mills’ First Grade Class!
Dear Families,
I hope you all had a fantastic summer! I am very excited to be back and to be beginning another year of first grade! It will be a year full of learning and friendships, but also many changes that will take some getting used to. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I grew up in Southern California, but I have lived here in Salt Lake City for close to sixteen years. I have taught kindergarten for ten years and this will be my third year in first grade. I just love first grade! I have a bachelor’s degree from Southern Utah University in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Development. I also have a Master’s of Education degree from Westminster College with an emphasis in teaching reading. I have a Reading Endorsement and I am currently taking classes for my Gifted and Talented Endorsement. When I am not teaching, I love to spend time with my family. I have three children, two go to Skyline High School and the other is at Churchill Jr. High. As a family we love to ski, hike, and take trips in our motorhome.
Below I will give you a little information about what you can expect for the school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me. My email is [email protected]. If you would like to speak to me by phone, you may call the office at 385-646-4798. You can leave a message and I will call you back by the end of the day.
To keep you up to date on what is happening in class as well as to know what we are learning, a weekly newsletter will be sent out each week. You can also visit my class website at millsclass.com for more information.
Due to Covid 19, snacks and eating will not be permitted in the classroom. I will keep you posted if things change. My recommendation is that your child eat a full breakfast with lots of protein before coming to school. Also, reinforce and emphasize to your child the importance of eating well during our lunch break at school.
Beginning in September, your child may have learning activities to complete at home. These activities may include a math page, reading minutes, spelling word lists, and vocabulary words. Homework needs/desires are very individual. Homework will not be calculated into a final grade, so it is up to you to determine how to handle homework in your home. Having your child read to you daily for 15 minutes is very important. In a few weeks, I will be sending home information on the Road to Success reading program. It is a great way for kids to earn incentives for reading at home.
When your child’s birthday approaches, I will send home a poster for him/her to fill out. On his/her birthday, your child will present the poster to the class and we will sing to him/her. Due to Covid 19, birthday treats/prizes will not be permitted. If your child had a birthday in August before school started, watch for a poster coming home soon.
This year, we have certain restrictions for volunteers. I will keep you posted if and when we can allow classroom volunteers. The PTA will have other volunteer opportunities outside of the classroom if you are interested.
Our classroom has just three rules. These rules are: be safe, be respectful, and be responsible. This year, face masks will be required (be safe) and they are to be worn properly, covering your child’s nose and mouth. Send an extra mask with your child just in case.
Your child will have the opportunity to earn stickers for following the classroom rules. Once his/her sticker chart is full, a prize will be awarded. If a poor choice is made, there will be many opportunities for your child to make a better choice. If there are any major behavior problems, I will contact you directly and we will work together to determine a solution.
I am looking forward to a great year with your first grader! Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have and I will do my best to help. You can find the most recent supply list for my classroom below as well as a map of where to have your child line up on the first day.
Janna Mills
[email protected]

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class_line_up_2020-2021.pdf |